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在多倫多出生的熊貓寶寶名字的公眾投票已完成。 多倫多動物園委託我特製三百幅簽名限量版印畫,訂購作為禮物送給2016年3月7日公佈熊貓名字活動的貴賓。嘉賓包括加拿大總理,中國駐加大使,安大略省省長,多倫多市長...

Here is my print with the names of the panda cubs, Jia Panpan 加盼盼 and Jia Yueyue 加悦悦. The original painting is sitting behind the desk of the zoo's CEO.

Jia Panpan and Jia Yueyue
Artwork by : Tai Oi Yee 戴愛兒
Title: Good Things Come In Pairs 好事成双
Website: http://oystudio.com
Here is the note that the zoo asked me to write about the inspiration behind the artwork.


新聞 See news about the pandas


這是我另一幅被收藏的作品 "樂也融融" ,目前掛在多倫多動物園的會議室之外

Here is the other panda painting of mine which is now hanging outside the boardroom of the Toronto Zoo.

It is titled " Happiness Is Getting Along ", inspired by the Chinese saying 樂也融融.   

I created 5 pandas representing the 5 continents, symbolizing the ethnic mix in Toronto. This world would be a much happier place if we can all accept our differences and get along in harmony.
戴愛兒受邀為名攝影家 John Kolkin 的新書題字
Oi Yee's calligraphy is used as the title, and featured in the beautiful book
Inner Harmony... Learning from the Buddhist Spirit by Jon Kolkin Fine Art Photography
慈善藝術工作坊 Workshop:

戴愛兒為爲加拿大藝術關愛癌癥基金會舉辦水墨畫工作坊,旨在幫助癌癥病人,他們的家人和照顧者, 令他們得到藝術的慰藉
September 15, 2014 At the Wychwood Barns Community Gallery , Toronto - Oi Yee was the special guest artist conducting an art workshop for the Art for Cancer Foundation. This art workshop was aimed at helping those living with cancer, their families and caregivers.