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Click to skip to sections: Enso | Ink Flow | Pandas | Birds | Dragonflies | Fish | Botanical | Cats | Dogs | Chinese Zodiac | Calligraphy | Meditation | Abstract |
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Sit and Watch the Rising Clouds 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is part of my ink "Flow" series.It is done with Ink FLow 墨流/ floating ink /suminagashi It is inspired by an ancient Chinese poem by Wang Wei (699-759). The two phrases I have written on the painting is from the poem: 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時 "Having reached the water's edge and there is no more path, just sit and watch the rising clouds". When faced with adversity and feeling that there is no way out, I often think of these two phrases, then just take a deep breath and see things in a different light. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and rising clouds at the water's edge. |
Sailed Past Ten Thousand Hills 輕舟已過萬重山 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is part of my "Flow" series. The landscape is created with free flowing ink on water. I added a tiny boat with a Chinese brush. It is inspired by the Tang dynasty poem by Li Bai. The calligraphy on the painting is a phrase from that poem, "The skiff has sailed past ten thousand hills" (輕舟已過萬重山) My flow series is inspired by the ancient Chinese ink technique which dates back to the 6th century when Buddhist monks originally engaged in this meditation exercise to capture the moment in time when the human spirit bonds with nature in the form of flowing water and moving air.Then in my attempt to achieve balance between nature and man 天人合一, I combine the use of free flowing ink on water with my Chinese brush painting. |
Against All Odds 排除萬難 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is part of my "Flow" series. The waves are created with free flowing ink on water. In an attempt to achieve balance between nature and man 天人合一, I have created the "Flow" series in which I combine the use of free flowing ink on water with my Chinese brush painting. Go with the natural flow, that's the way to go. This painting won an award at the 2015 International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Anshan City Pulic Cultural Centre in China. |
Heaven and Earth and One Lone Gull 天地一沙鷗 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is inspired by the ancient poem from the Tang Dynasty by Du Fu with the phrases "What am I like here and there fluttering, one lone gull between heaven and earth hovering" 飄飄何所似 天地一沙鷗 Heaven and earth are created with flowing ink on water. The calligraphy at the top is part of that poem. This painting was exhibited at the 2015 International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition in Anshan City Pulic Cultural Centre in Liaoning, China. |
Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step 千里之行始於足下 ![]() Chinese Ink on Raw Rice Paper (Single Xuan) Artist's notes:This is inspired by the Taoist quote by Lao Tzu – “Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and I have written it in my grass calligraphy in Chinese: 千里之行始於足下 It was exhibited in Beijing, China at the International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painting Society Exhibition Oct 19 – 26, 2019 . So thrilled that my painting won the "International Calligraphy and Sumi-e Society Award" |
Just Sit and Watch the Rising Clouds 坐看雲起時 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This painting is inspired by an ancient Chinese poem by Wang Wei (699-759). The two phrases I have written on the painting is from the poem: 行到水窮處,坐看雲起時 "Having reached the water's edge and there is no more path, just sit and watch the rising clouds". When faced with adversity and feeling that there is no way out, I often think of these two phrases, then just take a deep breath and see things in a different light. There is always light at the end of the tunnel and rising clouds at the water's edge. This painting won the Head Office President Award at the 2017 International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Society Exhibition. The rice paper was white and I used black and blue ink only. So whatever shows as white is the original paper colour. |
My Little Universe 心內 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes:This is Part 1 of my Universe Series - My Little Universe Sometimes I am bothered by the gloom and darkness in my own little universe, but when I step back and take a look at the universe beyond, my problems and troubles seem trivial and my world seem to be actually a bright spot in the universe. |
The Universe Beyond 天外 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes:This is Part 2 of my Universe Series - The Universe Beyond Sometimes I am bothered by the gloom and darkness in my own little universe, but when I step back and take a look at the universe beyond, my problems and troubles seem trivial and my world seem to be actually a bright spot in the universe. |
Inner Universe 1 內心小宇宙 1 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: My inner self changes and evolves with time just like the universe |
Inner Universe 2 內心小宇宙 2 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: My inner self changes and evolves with time just like the universe |
Observe 靜觀 ![]() Chinese Ink Painting Artist's notes: Mindfulness is meditation in which you focus on being aware of what you are sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. Stop, take a breath and observe. |
Meditate 靜思 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Take a moment, empty your mind, step into a space of awareness... a space where you merely observe how the mind behaves, and where you experience the present moment and you will reach a heightened level of spiritual awareness |
Meditative Shell 海貝 ![]() Chinese Ink & Acrylic on Canvas Artist's notes:Spiraling hypnotic shades of gray of the shell will help attain peace and calm in meditation. |
Meditative Moon 靜月 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: Meditation under the full moon helps one to reflect, release and renew. |
Beware 當心 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I have not been participating in exhibitions since 2019, and this is the first time I have done so since the pandemic. I won the "Outstanding Performace Award" at the International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of 2022 held by ICCPS. |
Wish Upon The Sky 望天打卦 ![]() Chinese Ink on Single Raw Xuan Paper Artist's notes: I painted this in 2011 after watching the disastrous tsunami in the news. We are all helpless in the face of natural disasters, like a little frog floating on a lotus leaf caught in a tidal wave. All we can do is wish upon the sky...hence the rolled up eyes |
Dance With Me 與君共舞 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This piece was exhibited at the Anshan Museum in China Sept 19 - Oct. 3, 2011, and won the Special Merit Award. This painting is inspired by my husband's support and care during my recovery from my cervical spine injury. His TLC brought me back on my feet and together we'll dance happily ever after : ) |
Ready For The Moment 蓄勢待發 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I named this painting 蓄勢待發 (be ready for the right moment) which is a quote from Romance Of The Three Kingdoms 三國演義, one of the Four Great Chinese Classical Novels. 龍非池中之物,趁雷欲上九霄,蓄勢待發...The dragon cannot be confined to a pond, and will ascend to heaven as thunder strikes, be ready for the moment and take the leap... |
Into The Net 自投羅網 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour on Raw Rice Paper (Single Xuan) Artist's notes: There is a Chinese saying 自投羅網 (hurling oneself into the net). Sometimes I feel like I am an outsider, watching others unsuspectingly and unknowingly being herded into a trap. |
Find Joy In Bitter Times 苦中作樂 ![]() Chinese Ink on Raw Rice Paper (Single Xuan) Artist's notes: The conditions may be poor, and the situation difficult, but we can try to be like these content piggies, finding joy in bitter times. |
Puzzled 迷網 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: Feeling puzzled and perplexed 迷惘. This world seems like a complicated labyrinth 迷網 with manipulative players behind the scenes controlling our destinies, I don't know what's going on anymore. I was using some word play for this painting: In Chinese, feeling puzzled and perplexed is 迷惘. I wrote on the painting "puzzling net" 迷網 which sounds the same but written slightly differently. |
Have a cup of tea 喝杯茶 ![]() Chinese Ink and Pu'er Teaon raw Xuan rice paper Artist's notes: There is so much division in this world, manipulated by people for power and profit, and exacerbated by the media. Instead of harbouring hatred and spewing vitriol against people who do not think or act like us, we should just sit down, have a cup of tea, reflect on our differences, respect other people's choices, and realize that we are all after something in common...happiness. My Chinese calligraphy at the top right says just that "喝杯茶 have a cup of tea". I have used Chinese ink and brewed Pu'er Tea 普洱茶 to paint this. |
Just A Little Wish 只一個小願望 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour on Raw Rice Paper (Single Xuan) Artist's notes: Just a little wish that the world will be rid of the coronavirus, and everybody blessed with good health. |
Cherry Blossom Time Again 又是櫻花盛開時 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: It's cherry blossom time again this year. What a difference a year makes. Just wishing that everybody will be blessed with good health, and can venture out safely again. |
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I Alone Am Sober While Everyone is Drunk 眾人皆醉我獨醒 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: This painting is inspired by an ancient Chinese quote by 屈原 Qu Yuan (340-278 BC) : " I Alone Am Sober While Everyone is Drunk" 眾人皆醉我獨醒. This may be how you feel sometimes when nobody agrees with you , or even understand you. |
Zen Universe 宇宙萬有一切都是禪心 ![]() Artist's notes: Enso amid waves of universal energy Enso 円相 represents the way of Zen as a circle of emptiness and form, void and fullness. The Enso circle is born from emptiness. However its center is full of potency and infinite possibility. As the brush trails off into nothingness, leaving an open circle, it is also the acceptance of imperfection as it is, allowing the universe to be as it is. |
Appreciating Impermanence 徹悟無常 ![]() Chinese Ink
Abyss 深淵 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: The Abyss is a reverse Enso. The Enso 円相 represents the way of Zen as a circle of void and fullness. It is born from emptiness but its center is full of potency and infinite possibility. Just like a cup of water half full or half empty, one needs to harness the positive energy and make best use of the opportunities, and not be sucked by negative energy and fall deeper and deeper into the abyss. |
So Happy Together 我們一起多快樂 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: It has been difficult for everyone during these Covid times, but at least we get to be around our loving family members. Let's make the best of our times together....So Happy Together! I've painted this with an Enso , the zen circle representing emptiness and form, void and fullness. The Enso circle is born from emptiness. However its center is full of potency and infinite possibility. We may be in bad times now, but there is the infinite possibility of better things to come. |
Enso in Nature 大自然中 ![]() Cyanotype Artist's notes: This Enso (zen circle) is created with the help of nature....sunlight. I use the cyanotype process, and expose the my drawn zen circle under the sun to get the subtle white enso on blue background. This takes longer, and more stages than simply painting an ink enso. Cyanotype is a slow-reacting printing formulation sensitive to a limited near ultraviolet and blue light spectrum. I drew an ink circle, and used it to cover up the paper soaked in cyanotype liquid, and exposed it to sunlight, and the end result is a cyan-blue piece of art. The effect will depend on the strength and angle of the sunlight , the duration, and the placement.So each time I create a piece, it is a totally different experience, and makes me appreciate the forces of nature and the need to be in harmony with it. Enso 円相 represents the way of Zen as a circle of emptiness and form, void and fullness. As the brush trails off into nothingness, leaving an open circle, it is also the acceptance of imperfection as it is, allowing the universe to be as it is. |
In Harmony With Nature 自然和諧 ![]() Black and blue ink Artist's notes: The Enso 円相 represents the way of Zen as a circle of emptiness and form, void and fullness. When I create an enso, I first empty my mind for a fresh new experience, and I go with the flow, appreciating the endless opportunities and unexpectable changes during the process. As the brush trails off into nothingness, leaving an open circle, I appreciate the imperfection while achieving harmony with nature. |
Heart Sutra with Blue Enso 心經藍円相 ![]() Blue and silver ink Artist's notes: This is a special piece in harmony with nature. This Enso (zen circle) is created with the help of nature....sunlight. I use the cyanotype process, and expose the my drawn zen circle under the sun to get the subtle white enso on blue background. This takes longer, and more stages than simply painting an ink enso. I drew an ink circle, and used it to cover up the paper soaked in cyanotype liquid, and exposed it to sunlight, and the end result is a cyan-blue piece of art. The effect will depend on the strength and angle of the sunlight , the duration, and the placement..So each time I create a piece, it is a totally different experience, and makes me appreciate the forces of nature and the need to be in harmony with it. Then I wrote the Heart Sutra (the Buddhist scripture) in Chinese calligraphy with silver ink. The Enso 円相 is a circle of void and fullness, representing the way of Zen. It is born from emptiness. However its center is full of potency and infinite possibility. |
Someday We Will Be Together 總有一天能相會 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes:The Chinese calligraphy means "Someday We'll Be Together" and Diana Ross' song rings in my ear as I paint this. The Enso represents the way of Zen as a circle of emptiness and form, void and fullness. As the brush trails off into nothingness, leaving an open circle, all possibilities are open. |
The Sea Accepts A Hundred Streams 海納百川 ![]() Artist's notes: This is a famous Chinese quote: 海納百川 The Sea Accepts A Hundred Streams, meaning that a great person can accept all things big and small. The origin in a different form is from a Taoist Zhuangzi saying: "between heaven and earth, there is nothing greater than the sea, it accepts ten thousand streams" 莊子‧秋水篇 :天下之水莫大於海,萬川納之. Then in the Ching Dynasty, Lin Zexu 林則徐 wrote the inspiring words during his fight against foreign powers forcing opium on his country: 海納百川,有容乃大。 壁立千仞,無欲則剛。"The sea accepts a hundred streams, being able to accept all is to be great. The cliffs stand firm and thousands of feet tall, having no selfish desire is to be strong." |
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Together We'll Fly Side By Side
在天願作比翼鳥 ![]() Chinese Ink on Paper Artist's notes: This is inspired by a Tang dynasty poem which has the phrases "On earth, may we be branches entwined; in the sky, may we be birds flying side by side" |
You Can Lean On Me 你可依靠我 ![]() (Chinese Ink and watercolour ) Artist's notes:I painted this after recovering from being ill for a month, and my husband took real good care of me. It's not the first time, and he really gives me the warm feeling that I can lean on him all the time : ) |
Colourful Family 多姿多彩的一家 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: I am so lucky that I have found my online art family, and of course my field hockey family! We are of different ages, with different backgrounds, possess different skills, and have different personalities. What a colourful combination! |
Coming Home 歸家 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: I painted this for my class reunion. Many old classmates and I flew back to Hong Kong. We went to the same school from kindergarten to secondary school and we have a strong alumni network with even a branch here in Ontario, Canada. Seeing everybody after all these years was precious! |
Happy Reunion 團圓樂 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: This is also inspired by my class reunion. Often one's best friends are the ones from your childhood. |
Living In Harmony 和諧共處 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: May people of all colour live in harmony. |
Just The Two Of Us 只有我倆 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: When I paint the birds in love, I seem to hear Bill Withers' songs. I named this one after his song, Just The Two Of Us. |
Lean On Me 兩相依 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: I keep thinking about Bill Wither's another song Lean On Me when I painted this. | |||||
The Trek South 又是南遷時 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: It was that time of the year when the Canada geese were flocking south. It evoked a "going home" feeling in me as so many Chinese poets centuries ago had written about these scenes. So I picked up my Chinese brush and painted it on Xuan paper. |
With My Head Held High 誓不低頭 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is inspired by the Chinese saying "With my head held high." |
One Finds Joy In One's Own Way 自得其樂 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This painting was exhibited in Maulevrier, France , Aug. 25- Sept. 9, 2012, and won the ICCPS French Award. It was also voted one of the top ten favourites by the attending audience. This is inspired by the Chinese saying "one finds joy in one's own way", shown at the top left corner of this piece. |
Go For It 志在必得 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This painting was exhibited at the Jade Buddha Temple in Liaoning, China, Oct. 1 - 13, 2012, and won the Judges' Special Award. Inspiration behind this painting: I saw a bird dive for its prey and it reminded me of the Chinese saying "go for it with will and determination". |
I Will Always Look Out For You 我會永遠守護你 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: One little chick is on the lookout while the other is feeding. This is inspired by my childhood experience. One is my sister, one is me. We looked out for each other during trying times. |
What's Up 回眸問好 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I just finished the painting and somebody Whatsapped me... thus the title : ) |
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On Typha Pond 在水中央 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: Typha/ bulrushes/ cattails are so common here in Canada, I decided to incorporate them in my Chinese painting to give it a Canadian feel. |
Soaring High 展翅高飛 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is inspired by the Chinese saying "spread your wings and soar high" | |||||
Easter Chicks 復活節小雞 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: Happy Easter! Greetings with a Chinese flavour : ) |
Sumi-e Toucan 水墨巨嘴鳥 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: Just having fun blending east with west. Toucans are native in the South & Central Americas, and not Asia. Also having fun blending hot with cold. While this lovely bird is found in the Neotropics, I am painting it in subzero temperatures in icy Canada. |
Zen Sunset 金禪落日 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Watercolour Paper ) Artist's notes: So thankful that I am living in Canada and our skies are accented with Canada geese making their way south in the fall against the golden sunset |
Love Is In The Air 愛瀰漫在空氣中 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour on Watercolour Paper Artist's notes: I have been having fun with semi-sumi paintings. This one is done with a Chinese brush, and a mix of watercolour and Chinese ink on watercolour paper, not rice paper. |
Whimsical Owl 調皮貓頭鷹 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Usually I title my paintings in Chinese first, and then translate it into English. This is the odd one where I translated the English into Chinese |
Love At First Sight 一見鍾情 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour Artist's notes:The Chinese phrase for love at first sight dates back to Ching dynasty literature ... 清·古吳墨浪子《西湖佳話·西泠韻跡》:「乃蒙郎君一見鍾情,故賤妾有感於心。」 Amazingly there is exactly the same phrase in English.... Love is universal |
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Tomorrow Will Be A Better Day 明天會更好 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I painted this back in early 2013 when my husband almost lost his sight and went through two very complicated eye surgeries. It was very stressful for both him and me. While watching out for complications during his recovery, I painted this to de-stress, and to wish him a speedy recovery. There were only a handful doctors world wide who could perform the surgery, and we were very lucky to have one right here in Toronto. My husband has since recovered very well and we are so very thankful! |
Together We'll Grow Old 與子偕老 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is inspired by a quote from the Chinese Book of Odes Shi JIng..."With your hands I hold, together we'll grow old" 執子之手,與子偕老. My husband and I took a couple weeks off and had a relaxing staycation, enjoying our pool and backyard. At night, we would gaze out of the window and cherish our moments together. |
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Take A Good Look At This World 冷眼看世界 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This inkwash eyeball is my attempt to mix east with west, using traditional Chinese brush and ink to paint an unconventional subject matter in Chinese art. Without seeing the title, many people thought it's a bird at first glance. |
Ink Waves 墨浪 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series |
Ink Flowers 墨花 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series | Ink Forest 墨林 ![]() Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series |
Ink Reeds 墨蒲 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series | Ink Valleys 墨谷 ![]() Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series |
Ink River 墨河 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series | Ink Fields 墨田 ![]() Artist's notes: This is part of my contemporary ink series |
Chance To Survive 一線生機 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Instead of doing my usual ink and wash technique, I am using the dry brush and ink splatter techniques in this new series. | Dancing Crane 舞鶴 ![]() Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting Artist's notes: Trying to give it a western feel with Chinese painting media |
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Dance Of The Dragonflies 翩翩起舞 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: With the harsh Canadian winter behind us, my husband and I can now venture outdoors and have fun, just like the dragonflies dancing in the sun. This is one of the most copied artworks of mine. Yes, imitation can be a form of flattery, but I wish those who copy my work would at least give credit to the original artist, me : ) |
Free As The Dragonflies 點水蜻蜓款款飛 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: With the warm weather approaching, I can now enjoy the outdoors. How I love to be free...free like the dragonflies |
Dragonfly Dance 蜻蜓舞 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This was exhibited at the Jade Buddha Temple at Anshan, China in October, 2012. It is a more whimsical variation of my dragonfly sumi-e. This is my most copied artwork, and also the most pinned sumi-e on pinterest. If you search "Chinese painting" or "sumi-e" on pinterest.com, mine will be the first one that pops up. |
Great Wall of China 萬里長城 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I set foot on mainland China for the first time in 2012 when I visited Beijing. I was truly overwhelmed by the magnificence of the Great Wall. There is no way I can do justice to its grandeur and beauty with my painting. I have just painted this to cement my beautiful memory of this breathtaking wonder in the magical land. |
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Curiosity 好奇心 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I am a curious soul. Every panda in this painting represents me, curious about each and everything. This painting was exhibited in China in October 2013. It won the special merit award in this International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Society Exhibition. |
Pandas Love Toronto 大毛和二順愛多倫多 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: The pandas on loan from China, Da Mao and Er Shun, have arrived in Toronto! This painting was exhibited at the 2013 ICCPS International Exhibition in China held by the International Chinese Calligraphy and Ink Painters' Society, and sponsored by the Anshan Museum. |
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Happiness Is Getting Along 樂也融融 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is inspired by the Chinese saying "happiness in getting along harmoniously" which is the 4 characters at the top of the painting. This world would be a much happier place if we can all accept our differences and just get along in harmony. |
Good Things Come in Pairs 好事成雙 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: There's a Chinese saying, "good things always come in pairs". That's partly why when China gifts or loans pandas to other countries, they are always in pairs. |
Innocent Love 兩小無猜 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: The song by Bee Gees "Melody Fair" keeps ringing in my ears when I look at this painting of mine. It is the soundtrack from the 1971 film "Melody" - a great story about innocent love at its sincerest. | At Ease 悠然自得 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is part of the panda series I have done for Da Mao and Er Shun, the pair of pandas now in Canada, on loan from China. It is inspired by the Chinese saying "At Ease With Oneself", the 4 characters shown at the top left |
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In Harmony 和諧 ![]() Artist's notes: So many conflicts, protests, upheavals in this world...can't we just get along and swim in harmony? |
Our Hearts Are Sealed 心心相印 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour Artist's notes: Our Hearts Are Sealed...that's what the 4 Chinese characters at the top right mean. |
Like A Fish With Water
有如魚得水 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Given the right tools and resources, we all can succeed...like a fish with water. |
Vitality 生氣勃勃 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Processed Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: I was inspired by my betta fish. They showed so much vitality and yearning for life when I was feeding them. |
Like Fish With Water 如魚得水 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Processed Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is inspired by my betta fish. The chinese characters on the top right is the Chinese saying, "Like Fish With Water". In this world one can always flourish, given the right conditions or opportunities, just like fish with water. |
Fishies Couldn't Care Less About The Storm Above 水面風波魚懶理 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Sometimes when things are so stressful, just forget about everything and enjoy life with the one you love. |
Unity Is Strength 團結就是力量 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: In an attempt to blend east with west, I gave my Chinese fish painting a western graphic design feel |
Waiting For The Right Moment 靜待良機 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This won the Council Special Award at the 6th ICCPS international exhibition held in Oct. 2016 in China. | Chasing Dreams 追夢 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Single Raw Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: This is one of the pair of paintings I sent to China for the International Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition. |
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Drifting In The Autumn Breeze 秋風葉落時 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: It's that time again, and I have raked so many bags of leaves, and many more to go. Life is good...do not look at it as a chore...take a deep breath and enjoy the scene of beautiful leaves drifting in the autumn breeze. |
Autumn Thoughts 秋思 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: Every leaf that falls has a different colour, a different shape. Together they make up a beautiful tapestry on the ground... like a reminder to be appreciative of our differences and uniqueness in this world. |
I wish 但願 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour Artist's notes: There is so much negativity in this world now, I wish there's a wishing tree in my backyard, so that whenever I feel down, I can retreat to my backyard, meditate under the calming tree, and make a wish |
Lotus Rising 出淤泥而不染 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper (Processed Xuan Paper) Artist's notes: There is a Chinese saying 出淤泥而不染 , "the lotus rises out of muddy waters untainted" . Seeded in muddy water, the lotus manages to rise above it untainted, blooming beautifully, maintaining its utmost purity. Children raised in the most negative environment can also succeed against all odds while remaining true to themselves. People mired in this materialistic world can also rise above it and live a happy, pure and simple life. |
Orchids Blooming Amidst The Summer Rain 蘭開夏雨中 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour Artist's notes: Having left Hong Kong for over 35 years, I sometimes still dream of scenes in the house I grew up in. I named this painting after the street that house was on. No, it is not called Orchid Street. My friends and family will know which street it is. | In The Still Of The Night 夜闌人靜 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: As the song goes..In the still of the night as I gaze out of my window at the moon in its flight... |
Spring Daffodils 春花 ![]() (Chinese Ink and watercolour ) Artist's notes: It's spring and I have different color daffodils blooming in my garden. This one I just painted freehand with no sketch in a minimalist style. |
Daffodils 水仙 ![]() (Chinese Ink ) Artist's notes:Spring is here! The daffodils are blooming in my garden and I painted them under the sun. I have recorded how I used the shadows under the sun to paint these daffodils, you can see the video here |
Natural Beauty 天然美 ![]() Chinese Ink and real leaf Artist's notes: I see beauty in imperfection. I noticed these insect eaten leaves in my garden and I am amazed how nature creates beautiful artwork...like papercuts that a human hand can hardly replicate. I am inspired by these nature's papercuts to create a black and white series. First I pick the intricately cut physalis leaves devoured by insects, then press dry in the microwave, disinfecting while straightening out the leaves. Then I add my Chinese calligraphy and seal, then scan the art. What is great is that I have no control over how these amazing insects create their art, and each leaf is one-of-a-kind, that makes my "Nature's Papercuts" series full of variety and surprises. |
Beauty of Imperfection 不完美之美 ![]() Chinese Ink and real leaf Artist's notes: This is part of the "Nature's Papercuts" series, inspired by physalis leaves devoured by insects. I noticed these insect eaten leaves in my garden and I am amazed how nature creates beautiful artwork...like papercuts that a human hand can hardly replicate. I am inspired by these nature's papercuts to create a black and white series. First I pick the physalis leaves devoured by these insect artists, then press dry in the microwave, disinfecting while straightening out the leaves. Then I add my Chinese calligraphy and seal, then scan the art in black and white. |
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Wishing Tree 許願樹 ![]() Chinese Ink and watercolour Artist's notes:The Wishing Tree at Lam Tsuen in Hong Kong is a famous landmark, and the custom is to write one's wishes on red paper tied to a mandarin orange and throw it onto the tree. If it successfully hangs on the tree, then the wish will come true. The story behind the Lam Tsuen Wishing Trees 林村許願樹: The village of Lam Tsuen in Hong Kong has been inhabited for over 700 years, and a shrine was built in 1736, before the British invaded China and took Hong Kong. An attempt by the villagers at guerilla warfare was put down by the British near Lam Tsuen with over 500 Chinese men killed, when British artillery was brought to bear on the walled villages . The shrine survived. Then during World War II, Japan invaded Hong Kong and the brave villagers of Lam Tsuen resisted but many were injured, tortured and killed. The shrine again survived. At the foot of the shrine were 2 banyan trees. The villagers would write their names, birthdates and birth times, as well as their wishes for protection and good luck on red auspicious paper, and then tie the paper with stones and throw onto the trees. If landing and hanging on the tree, the wish would come true. Over time, the stones were changed to oranges for fear of injuring people underneath the trees. Words of wishes coming true travelled, and people from all over Hong Kong as well as tourists flocked to the Wishing Tree. During Chinese New Year in 2005, there were so many people throwing wish packets onto the tree that one branch gave way, fell and injured people below. So the government prohibited throwing wish oranges onto the trees and erected wooden stands in the area, to allow the trees to heal. The villagers also bought a large plastic artificial tree as a substitute. By 2008, new leaves and growth appeared and villagers saw that as a sign of good luck and recovery. The conservation of the trees continues to this day. |
Chubby Baby Snake 蛇寶寶 ![]() (Chinese Ink on rice paper ) Artist's notes: Happy Year of the Snake! May all snake babies born this year be blessed with peace and love.In 2025, the Chinese New Year begins on January 29, ushering in the Year of the Wood Snake. The snake brings with it wisdom, transformation, calmness and creativity. The Chinese Zodiac calendar, which dates back over 2,000 years, is based on a 12-year cycle, with each year represented by an animal from the Chinese mythology. Years of the snake are: 2025, 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917, 1905 You can download my Chinese New Year greeting card using this image , as well as use the Zodiac calculator to find out which animal zodiac you belong to on my special Year of the Snake Page |
Snake 蛇 ![]() (Chinese Ink ) Artist's notes: This is my wild grass calligraphy for the Chinese word "snake" which is the zodiac this year. The character for snake has evolved from it's original pictorial oracle bone script, depicting a snake. In grass calligraphy one can incorporate more self expression, and this is my interpretation and rendition of the character. | Happy Dragon 快樂龍 ![]() (Chinese Ink ) Artist's notes:Happy Year of the Dragon! I have painted this for dragon babies born in 2024. I have seen many dragon paintings and drawings, but most of them look too fierce. So I came up with this happy one : ) At the top right is my Chinese calligraphy for the word "dragon". 2024 is a year of the Wood Dragon, starting from February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New Year) and ending on January 28th, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve). The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon. |
Happy Year of The Dragon 龍年快樂 ![]() (Chinese Ink ) Artist's notes:Happy Year of the Dragon! It starts February 10, 2024. Wishing you happiness, good health and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon! I have painted this Dragon Typography, combining an ink brushed dragon head with my grass calligraphy for the Chinese word "dragon" as the body. You will notice that the Chinese word is a pictorial one evolving from oracle script, and you can see roughly the dragon claws at the left, dragon back and tail on the right. 2024 is a year of the Wood Dragon, starting from February 10th, 2024 (Chinese New Year) and ending on January 28th, 2025 (Chinese New Year's Eve). The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon. |
Dragon calligraphy 龍書法 ![]() (Chinese Ink ) Artist's notes:Happy Year of the Dragon! This is my "flying white" style calligraphy for the Chinese character, dragon. I find this calligraphy style is perfect in capturing the spirit of the fierce and captivating flying dragon. Chinese writing dates back to over 5000 years ago. Chinese characters evolved from pictographs to more abstract ideograms to the modern-day character, which bears a slight resemblance to its pictographic origins. The characters are divided into 3 main categories : pictographs , ideograms , phonograms. Dragon 龍 is a pictograph. The original oracle bone script is a rough drawing of the dragon. It has evolved to the modern day character but you can still vaguely see the head and body on the left side, the back and tail on the right side. Years of the Dragon are: 1916, 1928. 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 |
Year of the Rabbit 兔年快樂 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Happy Year of the Rabbit! The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon. 2023 is a year of the Water Rabbit, starting from January 22nd, 2023 (Chinese New Year), and ending on February 9th, 2024 (Chinese New Year's Eve). The Chinese zodiac assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle, and this year is the Year of the Rabbit. People born in these years are born under the sign of the rabbit: 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915 At the top right is my Chinese calligraphy for Rabbit. | Rabbit 兔 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes:This my Chinese calligraphy for Rabbit, the zodiac sign for people born in these years are born under the sign of the rabbit: 2023, 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927, 1915 |
Year of the Tiger 虎年大吉 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: Happy Chinese New Year! February 1, 2022 is the start of the Year of the Tiger. The tiger represents strength and courage. I hope we can all overcome trials and difficulties during these times. May you all be blessed with good health and good luck this year! People born in the following years are under the tiger sign :1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022. |
Tiger Calligraphy 虎 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is my wild grass calligraphy for the Chinese character and zodiac sign, "Tiger" 虎 . The original oracle bone script is a rough drawing of the animal. Here is my interpretation. You can see the head of the tiger at the top, the stripes in the middle, and the crouching body and tail at the bottom right. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon, and this year it falls on February 1, 2022 (Chinese New Year Day). The Years of the Tiger are 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022. |
Tiger Calligraphy 虎 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is my grass calligraphy for the Chinese character and zodiac sign, "Tiger" 虎 , another way of writing it. 2022 is the Year of the Tiger. The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon, and this year it falls on February 1, 2022 (Chinese New Year Day). The Years of the Tiger are 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010 and 2022. |
Year of The Ox 牛年安康 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: 2021 is the Year of the Ox according to Chinese zodiac. This is a Year of Metal Ox from Feb. 12, 2021 (Chinese New Year Day) and to Jan. 31, 2022. People born in the following years are under this sign :1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021. The ox represents hard work and persistence. I hope we can all persist and overcome trials and difficulties during these Covid times. May you all be blessed with good health and good luck this year! |
Happy Year of The Rat 祝鼠年吉祥如意萬事順,健康平安福滿多 ![]() Happy Chinese New Year ! May you be blessed with peace and health in the Year of the Rat, with all your wishes coming true! January 25, 2020 is Chinese New Year's Day, and the start of the Year of the Rat . Do you notice I have painted the tail as 20? The Chinese character at the top is my calligraphy for rat/mouse 鼠 . A Rat year occurs every 12 years. This is your zodiac animal if you're born in 2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912 |
Year Of The Rat 鼠年吉祥 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: It seems the world needs the blessing of good health, good climate, peace and harmony in the Year of the Rat. Everybody keep safe, stay healthy, be thankful and be happy ! The Chinese calligraphy shown is the word for "mouse/rat". | |
Happy Year of The Pig 豬年快樂 ![]() February 5, 2019 is the start of the Year of the Pig. Happy Chinese New Year! People born in these years are born under the sign of the Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019 |
Three Little Pigs
三隻快樂小豬 ![]() 2019 is the Year of the Pig. |
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Happy Little Dog 快樂小狗 ![]() This is my ink painting celebrating the Year of the Dog (2018) People born in these years are born under the sign of the Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018 |
Lazy Way To Happiness
懶洋洋 ![]() |
Year Of The Rooster 雞年吉祥 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Happy Year of the Rooster! 2017 is the Year of the Rooster. The Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, and the start of the year is based on the cycles of the moon, and this year it falls on Saturday, January 28, 2017. The Chinese zodiac assigns an animal to each year in a repeating twelve-year cycle, and this year is the Year of the Rooster. People born in these years are born under the sign of the Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017. |
Happy Year of The Monkey 慶猴年 ![]() February 8, 2016 is the start of the Year of the Monkey. Happy Chinese New Year! |
Year of The Monkey
猴年 ![]() 2016 is the Year of the Monkey. People born in the lunar years of 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016 are born under the Chinese zodiac of the Monkey |
Happy Little Goat
快樂小羊 ![]() This ink painting is done for a little boy born in the Year of the Goat (2015). People born in the following years belong to the Chinese zodiac: Goat/ Sheep 羊: 1907 13 Feb 1907 - 01 Feb 1908 (Fire) 1919 01 Feb 1919 - 19 Feb 1920 (Earth) 1931 17 Feb 1931 - 05 Feb 1932 (Metal) 1943 05 Feb 1943 - 24 Jan 1944 (Water) 1955 24 Jan 1955 - 11 Feb 1956 (Wood) 1967 09 Feb 1967 - 29 Jan 1968 (Fire) 1979 28 Jan 1979 - 15 Feb 1980 (Earth) 1991 15 Feb 1991 - 03 Feb 1992 (Metal) 2003 01 Feb 2003 - 21 Jan 2004 (Water) 2015 19 Feb 2015 - 07 Feb 2016 (Wood) |
Year of the Goat 羊 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: 2015 is Year of the Goat. This is the Chinese calligraphy of the word "Goat" in my grass style. Chinese writing dates back to over 5000 years ago. Chinese characters evolved from pictographs to more abstract ideograms to the modern-day character, which bears a slight resemblance to its pictographic origins. The characters are divided into 3 main categories : pictographs , ideograms , phonograms. "Goat" 羊 is a pictograph. The original oracle bone script is a rough drawing of the animal. Here is my interpretation of the goat's head. You can see the horns, ears and beard. |
Horse 馬 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is my wild grass calligraphy for the Chinese character and zodiac sign, horse. 2014 is the Year of the horse. Horse is a pictograph. The original oracle bone script is a rough drawing of the horse. It has evolved to the modern day character 馬 but you can still vaguely see in my calligraphy the shape of a galloping horse. |
Snake Calligraphy 蛇 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Happy Year of the Snake. February 10, 2013 is Chinese New Year's Day, ushering in the Year of the Snake. Here's my wild grass calligraphy of the chinese character "snake". This has evolved from its pictorial origin, and still shows the head on the left, and the tail on the right. |
Dragon 龍 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This is the Chinese calligraphy of the word "dragon" in my wild grass style. 2012 is the Year of the dragon. The character for dragon has evolved from it's original pictorial oracle bone script. You can still vaguely see the head and claws on the left side, and the back and tail on the right side. |
Panda Christmas 熊貓過聖誕 ![]() (Chinese Ink and watercolour ) Artist's notes: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Guess which one is me, which one is hubby : ) |
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 聖誕新年快樂 ![]() (Chinese Ink and watercolour ) Artist's notes: It's obvious which one is me, which one is hubby : ) |
Christmas Skating Fun 聖誕溜冰樂 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: Merry Christmas to you all! This has been an unusual Christmas,and difficult for many. Hope you can enjoy the moment! Greetings from me and my chubby hubby...we have both put on weight staying home during Covid...as you can see in this portrait of us : ) |
Snowshoe Christmas 聖誕踏雪鞋 ![]() Chinese Ink and Watercolour Artist's notes: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ! My Christmas wish is for my hubby to go snowshoeing with me. I bought him his own pair of snowshoes some years ago but he never used them. Hoping my wish will come true 😄 |
Confetti Christmas 繽紛聖誕 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Merry Christmas and Happy 2017! Decorating my Christmas tree with confetti colours! |
Merry Christmas ! 聖誕快樂 ![]() Artist's notes: Merry Christmas and Happy 2016! Literally giving the Christmas tree a Chinese "twist" : ) |
Pumpkin Fun 南瓜樂 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: Happy Halloween! Just thought I'd five it a fusion twist and paint the pumpkins with Chinese ink and colour on rice paper. |
Feather From A Thousand Miles 千里送鵝 毛物輕情意重 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: I have received Christmas cards and gifts from afar. I love receiving good old mail. Also there is a Chinese saying "Gift of a feather from a thousand miles, it weighs little but means much" 千里送鵝毛物輕情意重. Thank you! | |
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Love Is A Many Splendored Thing 愛之美妙 ![]() Acrylic on paper Artist's notes: This is simply the Chinese calligraphy of the word "love" in my signature grass style. I wanted to give it a Western feel, so I brushed it with colour acrylic which helps show the brushflow . I named it after a movie called " Love is a Many Splendored Thing" starring William Holden, set in 1949 Hong Kong. Afterall, I was born and grew up in Hong Kong. | Crisis 危機 ![]() Acrylic on paper Artist's notes: This is the Chinese word for "crisis". It is made up of two characters: The top character means "danger" The bottom character means "moment/pivotal juncture", but it is also the character for "opportunity". Whenever there is a crisis, there is opportunity. |
Tai Chi 太極 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes:Tai Chi (ultimate polarity), represents the Taoist view of the universe. Taoist belief is that all existence involves the interaction between Yin and Yang. These two energy poles are in opposition to each other, and yet profoundly harmonize and balance each other out. Here is my calligraphy of the Chinese characters for Tai Chi. I have added my interpretation with ink gradations. |
Be Like Water 上善若水 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: This Taoist quote is from Chapter 8 of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu. The paragraph goes as follows: 上善若水。水善利萬物而不爭,處眾人之所惡, 故幾於道。居善地;心善淵;與善仁;言善信;政善治;事善能;動善時。夫唯不爭,故無尤。 "The best of man is like water, Which benefits all things, and does not contend with them, Which flows in places that others disdain, Where it is in harmony with the Way. So the sage: Lives within nature, Thinks within the deep, Gives within impartiality, Speaks within trust, Governs within order, Crafts within ability, Acts within opportunity. He does not contend, and none contends against him." There is so much wisdom and insight in this Taois quote. It inspires me to realize that water flows humbly to the lowest level. Nothing is weaker than water,yet for overcoming what is hard and strong, nothing surpasses it. It is formless but adapts. It can flow or it can crash. It can float a boat but can also capsize it. It can be applied to so many things in life, and it has also been used to apply to martial arts by Bruce Lee. | |
Heart Sutra 心經 ![]() Ink on Paper Artist's notes: The Heart Sutra expresses the Buddha's most profound teaching. One of the more well known verses of the Heart Sutra is: "form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form..." Even though I am not Buddhist, I find writing the Heart Sutra very calming. One slip of attention, I would get a character wrong and have to start over again. One needs a tranquil heart to do it. |
Zen 禪 ![]() Ink and watercolour on paper Artist's notes: This is the Chinese character for ZEN. Zen Buddhism is Chan Buddhism originating from China, being a mix of Taoism and Buddhism. |
Flow 流 ![]() Chinese Ink on rice paper Artist's notes: This is my brush calligraphy for the Chinese word "flow" 流 For the first time, I managed to take a video of my Chinese calligraphy. You can see how I write it in this video: https://fb.watch/c8KLxdKVBy/ . Chinese characters are divided into pictograms,simple ideograms, complex ideograms, phono-semantic characters, transfer characters and loan characters. Flow 流 is a pictogram, and you can actually see it flow! |
Thoughts In The Midst of The Night 夜靜思 ![]() Silver ink on canvas Artist's notes: Trying something new, painting Chinese style wtih silver ink on canvas. My calligraphy 夜靜思 means thoughts in the midst of the silent night. The scene is inspired by my visit to the water town of Wuzhen 烏鎮 in China some years ago. |
Amidst The Rain And Gloom 煙雨濛瀧 ![]() Acrylic on canvas Artist's notes: Unlike my other chinese paintings which are done with Chinese ink on thin rice paper (xuan), this is done with acrylic on canvas, but using a Chinese brush. |
First Snow 初雪 ![]() Watercolour on Watercolour Paper Artist's notes: First snow in Toronto is beautiful. To give it a Canadian feel, I did this with a Chinese brush with watercolour, not Chinese ink, and on watercolour paper, not on xuan. |
My Goal Is To Deny Yours 鋼門 ![]() Chinese Ink Artist's notes: The outdoor season has now started and I have just painted a self portrait...yes that's me in field hockey goalie gear. I based it on a photo of me in action. I am so thankful that I have fully recovered from my cervical spine injury and can enjoy the sports I love. I'm back with a roar! | Live, Love, Play Field Hockey 活在當下我愛曲棍球 ![]() Chinese Ink on Rice Paper Artist's notes: I have put much thought into the title of this painting. Having recovered from my cervical spine injury, I have decided to live the moment. My neurologist told me that I have a higher likelihood of becoming quadriplegic than others if caught in any accident again that traumatizes my neck. But I have decided that this fear will not hold me ransom. Think of it this way, anybody can be caught in a serious car accident or other accidents out of the blue. If it is your time, it is your time. I love field hockey and I am just going to enjoy the sports for as long as I can and have no regrets. Besides playing goalie, I sometimes play out ...no, not in such good form as a field player...I based this portrait on an action photo of a teammate taking a penalty shot...against me in goal! |